The World Forum - September 7th, 2024

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Red Crescent says 15 killed in strike on Gaza ambulance outside Al-Shifa hospital


The Palestinian Red Crescent says at least 15 people have been killed in an Israeli strike on an ambulance outside Gaza City's biggest hospital.

BBC Verify has verified graphic videos showing badly injured and possibly dead people lying outside the Al-Shifa hospital.

The Israeli military has confirmed it struck an ambulance that it says was being used by Hamas operatives.

It did not say where the air strike took place.

"An IDF aircraft struck an ambulance that was identified by forces as being used by a Hamas terrorist cell in close proximity to their position in the battle zone," it said in a statement.

It said a number of Hamas fighters had been killed and accused Hamas of transferring militants and weapons in ambulances, but has not yet supplied evidence of this.

"We emphasise that this area is a battle zone. Civilians in the area are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southwards for their own safety," it added.
