The World Forum - October17th, 2024

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Trudeau’s Immigration Shell Game: From Roxham Road to Airport Loopholes


Following the closure of Roxham Road, the influx of illegal immigrants into Canada hasn’t dwindled; it has simply shifted. While the dramatic scenes of families crossing snowy landscapes are absent from news coverage, the issue has found new ground in Canadian airports. 

The policies enacted by the federal Liberal government, combined with certain court decisions driven by activism, have created a scenario where individuals arriving in Canada gain extensive opportunities for appeals before potential expulsion. Notably, Liberal-appointed judges overseeing refugee appeals exhibit a significant inclination toward granting asylum claims. 

This shift, from physical border crossings to the realm of airports, underscores a persistent challenge in managing and adjudicating immigration matters. Despite the closure of prominent land routes, the fundamental issue of immigration persists due to a series of factors influenced by governmental policies and legal rulings.

Since the Trudeau government assumed power in 2015, the system seems engineered to increase the number of individuals allowed entry, regardless of their precise refugee or asylum status. In June, RCMP detected a mere 36 people attempting informal border crossings, a stark drop from the nearly 5,000 intercepted the month before the Trudeau-Biden agreement. However, the Canada Border Services Agency recorded 4,350 claims at airports in June, marking a nearly five-fold increase since March.

This shift in problem areas indicates an ongoing issue in illegal immigration despite Trudeau’s agreement. Financial evidence further supports this claim: the Liberals’ expenditure of over three-quarters of a billion dollars this year solely on accommodation for refugees and illegal immigrants, alongside allocations for healthcare, dental care, and welfare services, emphasizes the persistent challenges posed by unauthorized immigration. These expenditures underscore a systemic concern that continues despite alterations in political agreements and variations in interception sites.

Nathalie Manseau, the immigration department’s chief financial officer, reported an expenditure of $557 million on refugee lodging and $212 million on rental accommodations this fiscal year to the Senate Finance Committee.

Despite closing prominent land crossings, the Liberals haven’t addressed the core issue, suggesting a lack of intent to do so. During the Harper administration, approximately 33% of refugee claims were rejected, potentially high. However, under the Liberals, rejection rates by refugee appeal boards have dropped significantly to around 10%.

nOnly a fraction of those ordered to leave Canada face enforced deportation; the majority, including criminal deportees, depart voluntarily. This leniency results in over 30,000 deportees staying without oversight, highlighting a lack of monitoring. It appears the Liberals are hesitant to curtail illegal immigration, perhaps deeming restrictions as racially biased. They advocate for substantial immigration levels, perceiving it as vital for economic growth, a notion that may hold fallacies as well.

Surge in asylum claims at Canadian airports in 2023

Statistics Canada, over the past three months, highlighted robust albeit insufficient job creation to accommodate both native job seekers and newcomers like legal immigrants, foreign students, refugees, and illegal refugees. The Liberal approach appears to encourage immigration generously, signaling an open-door policy through implicit invitations.
